English Mass

English Community

The international English community was created in March 2017 under the leadership of Fr. Edmund Owusu SVD. It was recognised that there was a growing need to cater for the spiritual needs of expats and international students studying in Breda. Complying with the request of Bishop Jan Liesen, the community was inaugurated in St. Michael church.

Since that time the community has continued to grow and flourish. It is now home to a multitude of diverse cultures, traditions, languages and ethnic backgrounds. What unites us is the love and care that the community members share with one another in the name of Jesus.

English Mass in Breda

The community comes together every Sunday at 13:00 hours in St. Michael church, Hooghout 67, Breda for the Eucharist celebration. The parish team of St. Augustine’s parish is responsible for this community under the leadership of Fr. Rian Supardi. There are many priests of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) who regularly offer their help and support.


You may contact one of the priests by mail to pastores@augustinusparochiebreda.nl


Pastores (spoednummer)
06 – 26 58 02 11

Heusdenhoutseweg 34
4817 NC Breda
tel: 076 - 521 90 87
ma/woe/vrij: 10:00 - 12:00

Maria Dymphnakapel
Moerenpad 10
4824 PA Breda
tel: 076 - 541 01 94
ma/woe/vrij: 09:00 - 12:00

Belgiëplein 6
4826 KT Breda
tel: 076 - 571 15 67
vrij: 09:00 - 11.30 u

Tweeschaar 125
4822 AS Breda
tel: 076 - 541 01 94
ma/woe/vrij: 09:00 - 12:00

Hooghout 67
4817 EA Breda
tel: 076 - 521 90 87
ma /woe/vrij: 10:00 - 12:00

Kerkstraat 1
4847 RM Teteringen
tel: 076 - 571 32 03
ma-vrij: 09:30 - 11:30